What is an Allergy?

Your immune system defends your body from harmful invaders such as bacteria and viruses. However, sometimes your immune system overreacts and targets harmless substances such as peanuts. These harmless substances are called allergens. This overreaction leads to allergic symptoms, and can lead to allergic conditions such as eczema, food and drug allergy, asthma, and so on.

Allergies have become increasingly common over the past couple of decades, now affecting 1 in 4 children and 30% of adults in North America. Consequently, identifying, treating, and ultimately preventing allergies is a major health concern.

Our office helps identify suspected allergens that trigger your body’s immune system to overreact.


  • Skin: rash, hives or eczema

  • Breathing: sneezing and cough

  • Vision: itchy red eyes

  • Gastrointestinal: vomiting, pain and diarrhea


  • Medication

  • Personal Care Products (eg. shampoo)

  • Food

  • Insect Stings

  • Inhalants/Pollen

  • Medical Devices (eg. latex)