What is Immunotherapy?


“Allergy shots,” or allergy desensitization, is a form of desensitizing a patient with allergic disease to their allergen causing their illness. These injections work by influencing your immune system slowly to become tolerant of your known allergy(ies). They are indicated for the treatment of allergic nasal conditions, i.e. hay fever, insect-sting allergy and in some mild cases of asthma. There are various types of protocols for administering these injections. The medical term for allergen shots is SubCutaneous allergen ImmunoTherapy (SCIT) while the sublingual tablet equivalent is termed SubLingual ImmunoTherapy (SLIT).

You will need to remain in our office for a mandatory 30 minute monitoring period following your allergy injection. If you feel sick in any way the hour AFTER your injection, especially after leaving the doctor’s office, contact us immediately for instruction.

Tree PollenApril - May

Tree Pollen

April - May

Grass Pollen

June - July

Weed PollenAugust - October

Weed Pollen

August - October

Mold Sporesmid-July

Mold Spores



These are the traditional allergy injections and require an initial set of weekly “build up” injections for an average of 3 months. At that point, a patient requires a new set at their “maintenance” dose, as determined either by the allergy schedule or your reactions, with each set lasting about 6-7 months. Allergy injections continue every 2-3 weeks at the maintenance dose for a duration of 3 to 5 years, depending on a patient’s response. After this point, skin testing will be repeated. This method is the closest to a “cure” to a patient’s allergies and is the preferred long term therapy.  


These injections are an alternate to the above year long shots.  They are indicated for the treatment of seasonal allergies to one type of allergen, i.e. grass or ragweed and are usually beneficial for one allergy season at a time. A patient receives a series of 6-8 weekly injections before the known allergy season.

For this type of immunotherapy, SLIT tablets are also available but are prescribed at the discretion of Dr. Ohayon after consulting with a patient. The SLIT offered at the clinic include Itulatek for tree, Oralair and Grasstek for grass and Ragwitek for ragweed. Each of these SLIT involve an in-office visit to assess safety except for Oralair which requires a 3-day consecutive up-dosing schedule in the office. Prices vary from year to year and can be confirmed by contacting the office.


For patients who have been diagnosed with severe and potentially life threatening allergic reactions to insect stings, these allergy injections will significantly reduce the risk of future severe reactions if stung again. They require weekly build up injections until a maintenance dose is achieved. At that point, injections continue monthly. The usual treatment period is for 5 years.